A couple of Xmas shopping deals

Found out about an Amazon deal on their Amazon Prime Shipping. Until the end of the year, it’s discounted 20 bucks, but only if you go through this special link. Apparently it’s some kind of tie in with Ellen Degeneres or something. This is a good deal for regular Amazon customers, as it gets you free two day shipping on pretty much everything you order.

Also found this site called Free Shipping Day. A bunch of stores are banding together and offering free shipping this Thursday, the 18th. That’s the last day you can order anything and get guaranteed delivery by Xmas. So if you need to get that last minute shopping done, check out those sites on Thursday.

Snacks are good!

Found this deal today while messing around on my daily reads: $20 off $50 at Amazon Grocery.

The gist of it is if you buy $50 worth of various Kellogg’s and other brand products from Amazon, then use the code KELLOGG1 at check out, they’ll cut $20 off the order. It’s also eligible for free shipping.

Now, Amazon’s bulk prices are not the best, but they’re not bad either. Plus there’s a lot of good stuff on this deal, such as various cereals and breakfast foods, assorted crackers, various types of cookies, etc. I bought some Mini Wheats (I love these in the morning), couple types of cookies, and Rice Krispie treats, for a total of $30.

The problem is Amazon’s organization. Finding what you want in smaller amounts (instead of gianormous bulk quanities) can be tricky. I suggest going to this page, clicking through to the type of thing you want, then sorting the resulting list by price (low to high). The smaller quantities are at the lower prices as well.
