More about Amazon Grocery

Back when I wrote about Amazon Grocery the first time, I also placed a couple orders.

I’d been wanting a particular book, and my Amazon Prime trial membership had just expired (and I didn’t feel that “free” shipping was worth $70+ a year), so I started looking for stuff I needed which they had.

What I found I was running low on was toilet paper.

A bit of searching and I ran across some TP on Amazon. Plus the price was just right to make both my book and the TP get free shipping. Perfect.

So off my order went, for my book and for Scott Toilet Paper. Excellent.

It took it about 10 days to get here. Good thing I was only running low and not out of the stuff. But the book is good, and the TP.. Well… It’s paper. I don’t expect much out of my TP.

Scott TP

Nice handy dispenser box, I must say. Although I did get some odd looks from the apartment people when I picked up my shipment of what was clearly a bulk box of toilet paper. Hey, I looked right back at ‘em. A man’s gotta wipe.

Plus, this is rapid-dissolving, supposedly, so no more damn clogged up toilets. ;)

I still don’t see myself using this Amazon Grocery stuff for anything more than filler items for when I order books and such, to get up to the free shipping amount, but still, at least now those filler items will be useful stuff that I happen to need. Not sure where I’ll put these bulk items though.

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