Unlike Matt, I am not a photographer. But I did snap a few shots with my iPhone here and there.
Continue reading “Photos from WordCamp Savannah 2010”
Tag: savannah
New Job: Working for the Matt
I’ve been delaying this post for a while, but I recently got a new job. I’ve been hired by Matt Mullenweg, of WordPress and Automattic fame. My first goal will be to start the revamping of the WordPress.org website, which has needed some reworking for some time now.
I didn’t really expect this or see it coming, but I’m sure glad it did. Though it does mean leaving my position at AutoZone for the second time (I doubt they’ll hire me back a third time 🙂 ), it’s an opportunity that I’m extremely excited about and honestly simply could not pass up. I do like the people at AutoZone, and wish them the best. I have one week remaining with them, and I’m doing my best to ensure a smooth transition.
Since Matt is a distributed kind of guy, I’ll be able to work from a laptop, wherever I happen to be, and I plan to take full advantage of that. I’ve never been to a WordCamp, for example, but I’m planning on going to WordCamp Savannah this year in August. Well, actually I plan on going to Savannah for a week or two, while there’s a WordCamp going on. I love Savannah; me and friends used to go there for the week of St. Patrick’s Day every year. Did that for 7 years before the prices got too steep. Went back once for New Year’s Day a couple years ago, and I miss the place. I needs me some Crab Shack.
I’ll also be at the big San Francisco gathering next year, and I might be around other places from time to time. Because of that, I’ve decided to turn this blog into more of a personal journal. Expect changes to accommodate more of a photoblog, sort of thing. Most entries are probably just going to be photos with captions. If you’re not down with that, sorry. For my tech ramblings, head over to Otto on WordPress instead.
Addendum: For those who are curious, I am not going to be working for Automattic. I’m working directly for Matt. My title, however, is “Tech Ninja”. 😀
Spotted in Savannah

Spotted in Savannah, originally uploaded by Otto42.
Spotted this one early in the trip. Too early, in point of fact, to actually drink Jager.